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Standard 9, reflection and professional development
What is it?
A teacher must be a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of choices and actions on others, including students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community, and who actively seeks out opportunities for professional growth.
What I think it is
We need to find a way to actively give feedback to our students based on their choices, and how they perform within all content areas. We need to be able to evaluate how students are learning and if it is effective. This shouldn't always be done through test scores, we need to find alternative ways to monitor and reflect on student growth. 
We also need to continually evaluate ourselves as educators, to monitor how effectively we are teaching or helping our students growth. Through teaching, we should be including our students families in the process, so they can see just as much student growth as their teachers. We need to actively seek out opportunities for our students to grow in all areas of life.
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